请注意: 以下平衡性调整尚未实装到游戏中 &—将于6月21日上线。
&– 目前来说,野猪骑士是用来摧毁敌方皇家塔的第一选择。但我们想要看到更丰富的进攻方式和进攻手段,也就是说我们想要看到玩家使用更多不同的进攻性卡牌。为了达到这一目标,第一步就是先让野猪骑士不再那么强势。第二步,我们将让其他使用率不那么高的进攻性卡牌变得更加实用。
&– 王子在低阶至中阶竞技场中的表现简直令人恐惧,但随着玩家越来越有经验,王子的威胁就没有那么大了。伤害提升可以让王子再次有机会冲破最残暴的野蛮人包围圈!
&– 对皮卡超人的伤害提升可以让她一刀一个野蛮人(在锦标赛规则的等级下),让她成为一个更令人闻风丧胆的进攻选择。
&– 我们之前对X连弩的削弱有点过于残忍了,导致现在X连弩在竞技场中几乎绝迹。我们还是希望能时不时的在竞技场中看见X连弩的身影,但X连弩作为一张特别的卡,我们也不希望它太频繁地出镜。这次提升后,使用X连弩仍旧会具有挑战,但我们希望通过合理的使用能让它更好地在竞技场上发挥出它的作用。
&– 调整理念同X连弩。
&– 我们上次对烈焰熔炉的增强显然没有让它变得足够好。持续时间加长10秒,将让战场上同时存在多个烈焰熔炉成为可能,可以带来一些不同的、有趣的缓慢推进战术。
&– 移除骷髅守卫被破盾后的击退效果将会让这些无情的骷髅兄弟们多攻击几下,并且我们希望通过这次提升能让骷髅守卫有机会在您出战卡组中竞争一席之地。
&– 我们上次对女巫的增强后,她在对战中的使用并没有达到我们的期望。这次的提升应该可以达到我们的期望了,例如,这次提升后的女巫只需要3次攻击就能消灭亡灵了,而之前需要攻击4次(在锦标赛规则的等级下)。
&– 与熔岩幼犬相比较,现在的熔岩猎犬本身并没有太大的威胁 ,并且有时候熔岩猎犬的攻击甚至会被完全忽略。 这项改动相对来说并不大,但是会让熔岩猎犬和熔岩幼犬的伤害保持一致。
&– 对于一张1圣水消耗的卡来说,骷髅兵提供的输出和吸引仇恨的能力太高了!
&– 加农炮和特斯拉电磁塔应该成为两个可互换的选择,我们希望您可以根据个人喜好来选择,这才是我们想要看到的。但目前来说,加农炮带来的价值远高于特斯拉电磁塔,并且成为了一个很明确的选择。这项改动希望能让玩家在加农炮和特斯拉电磁塔之中的选择变得更加有趣。
Release Notes
June 17, 2016
Balance Changes Coming (6/21)
Note: These changes are not live yet! They&'re coming on 6/21.
In this round of balance changes we&'re toning down the Hog Rider and giving alternative offensive options a boost, including&… the X-Bow!
Hog Rider: Damage decreased by 6%
Hog Rider is currently the top choice for tower destruction! While we really enjoy seeing more offensive and action-packed games, we&’d ideally like to see a bigger range of offensive cards used. The first step to achieving this is toning down the Hog Rider a notch. The second step is making some of the lesser-used offense cards more enticing.
Prince: Damage increased by 9%
Prince terrorizes the early to mid Arenas, but as players become more experienced, he becomes less threatening. More damage will help him slice through even the toughest of Barbarians again!
P.E.K.K.A: Damage increased by 8%
This change will allow her to kill a Barbarian with each swing (at Tournament Rules levels) and make her an even more formidable offensive option.
Goblin Barrel: Goblin spawn time decreased to 1sec (from 1.2sec)
As one of the original hallmark cards for Clash Royale&’s sillier side, we&’d love to see barrels flying across the Arena once again!
X-Bow: Deploy time decreased to 4sec (from 5sec), hitpoints increased by 18%
We were a bit brutal with our earlier X-Bow changes, to the point where it&’s very rarely seen nowadays. We&’d like to see it appearing in battles from time to time, but not too often as it is such a specialized card. It will still be challenging to use, but hopefully more viable in the right hands.
Mortar: Deploy time decreased to 4sec (from 5sec)
Same principle as the X-Bow.
Furnace: Lifetime increased to 50sec (from 40sec)
Our previous boost clearly didn&'t make it good enough. Adding 10 seconds to the lifetime will potentially allow for stacking of multiple Furnaces, leading to some different and interesting slow-push gameplay.
Guards: Removed pushback effect when their shields break
Removing the pushback will allow the ruthless bone brothers to get in a couple of extra jabs, and hopefully compete for a spot in your Battle Deck.
Witch: Damage increased by 17%
Our previous change didn&'t get her to the viable level we were hoping for. This change will, for example, allow her to kill Minions in three hits, instead of four (at Tournament Rules levels).
Lava Hound: Damage increased by 28%
The Lava Hound itself isn&'t scary enough right now &– compared to the pups &– and can sometimes be ignored. This change is relatively small, but it brings the damage of the hound and the pups in line with one another.
Skeletons: Spawns 3 (from 4)
They offer too much distraction and damage value for 1 Elixir!
Cannon: Hitpoints decreased by 8%
Tesla: Hitpoints increased by 8%
We&’d like to see the Cannon and Tesla as interchangeable options depending on your deck preference and needs. Currently the Cannon offers more value and is the clear choice. This change will hopefully make the decision more interesting.
Please leave your thoughts and feedback on the forums or reddit!
See you in the Arena,
The Clash Royale Team